Welcome to Chemistry Lessons Using Jupyter Notebooks#

This is book is a collection of lessons covering various topics in the undergraduate chemistry curriculum. Each lesson is made in a Jupyter Notebook so most of them include a combination of written notes, equations, plots, and python code. The code part, in particular, is meant to be interactive. This can be achieved by launching the notebook in google Colab via the button on the top.

Target Audience#

The target audience for this book are undergraduate students, undergraduate chemistry instructors, and anybody else interested in using Jupyter Notebooks for chemistry instruction.

How to use the Book#

This book can be used either interactively or non-interactively.


Each lesson within each topic is designed to be approximately a days worth (50mins) of material. These lessons can be downloaded and converted into pdf slides using the following commands.


Each lesson has a coding component to it. Some or more heavy on the coding than others. Additionally, each lesson has list of the elements of coding employed in that notebook after the list of learning goals. The list also includes links to lessons on those coding topics. The coding components can be interactive. To interact with the coding material you must run an interactive Jupyter kernel either:

  1. Locally by downloading the specific notebook and then launching a jupyter kernel on your own computer and importing that notebook

  2. Online via Google colab or binder.

The advantages of doing it locally include being able to save your work while doing it online skips steps of installing applications and dependencies.

Chemistry Topics#

Current Chemistry topics include:

  1. Physical Chemistry a. Statistical Thermodynamics b. Thermodynamics c. Quantum Mechanics d. Electronic Structure

Yet to be added:

  1. Physical Chemistry a. Statistical Mechanics b. Kinetics

  2. General Chemistry

  3. Analytical Chemistry

  4. Biochemistry a. Enzyme Kinetics b. Thermodynamics of Biochemical Systems

Features to be Added Later#

  1. Excercises